Thank you, my family, especially my parents and sister, granny, I love you! Thank you for care, understanding and the sense of sure of each other.
Thank you, my friends whom I know longtime or not, for your help and benevolentness. Thank you,
Individual thanks to those whom I’ll never meet and whom I don’t even hope to read it but maybe will feel my gratitude. Thank them for their actions, the inspiration I’ve got touching up work they created and for always I see them going forward afore me.
Thanks to those who helped me with the creation of album and took part in shooting the videoclip. Thank for this girl appearing by imagination between the lines.
Music & lyrics by Ilya Orlov
Vocal, guitars, electronic instruments & arrangements: Ilya Orlov
Recording, mixing & mastering: Ilya Orlov
Album’s design: Alexandra "Red_Crow"
Recorded in St. Petersburg in 2006–2008.
Thanks to Michael Potehin for help with site translation.